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Leigh and John McNairy Library Policy and Procedures Handbook


The Leigh and John McNairy Library, comprising both the main library and Heritage Place, provides a current collection of books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, CD-ROM databases, and Internet services to support curricular needs and patron interests. The Library maintains a variety of academic and special interest magazines and newspapers via print, microfilm, and electronic formats. An online catalog is available to all patrons for local Library holdings. An author, title, or subject heading may be used to search holdings physically arranged by the Library Congress classification system.

Materials not found in the current collection can be obtained from other libraries via interlibrary loan. The Library currently provides computer workstations with the following features: unrestricted Internet access for academic research; NC LIVE; academic online databases; and an integrated software program for word processing and for spreadsheet, database, and presentational development. The Library provides a homepage within the College’s Web site that provides easily accessible information about procedures; holdings; links to academically related sites; online surveys; a materials request form for faculty, staff, and students; and an online Reference Chat for assistance with Library resources and services. The Library also serves Jones County and Greene County Education Centers, Eastern Correctional Institution (ECI), and the participating cooperative agencies.

The Library can accommodate approximately 300 students, providing individual students with a quiet area consisting of study cubicles for research and group study rooms are equipped with a 50” monitor that personal devices can connect to, USB power outlets on the table, as well as magnetic dry erase boards and for studying and small group projects. Study cubicles are located in the second floor quiet study area and various tables for group study are available throughout the facility as well as leisure areas with comfortable seating designed for patrons to study or interact with friends and colleagues.

Heritage Place is dedicated to commemorating the history of Lenoir and the surrounding counties. Genealogical materials, along with the local and state historical resources, form a special collection housed in the Heritage Place annex. This special collection includes books, numerous genealogical databases, early newspapers of the surrounding service area, census records, church records, land grants, and other colonial records of countries in eastern North Carolina and many other states.

The Library is an organizational member of the American Library Association and supports the freedom of information outlined in the Library Bill of Rights.


The mission of the Leigh and John McNairy Library is to support and reflect the programs of the College by promoting the teaching-learning process for faculty, staff, students, and the community.

To accomplish this mission, the Library is committed to the following objectives:

  • To acquire, process, preserve, and circulate print and non-print materials for degree and non-degree programs;
  • To maintain the appropriate physical facilities for the print collection;
  • To provide up-to-date equipment for the use of non-print materials;
  • To instruct users in the effective use and implementation of Library resources;
  • To maintain and further develop a highly capable staff through professional development opportunities and utilization of individual talents;
  • To provide services that will meet or exceed the requirements of the various accreditation agencies;
  • To incorporate technological advances to expand access to information to distance education students.

The Library provides a collection of books, periodicals, audiovisuals, electronic resources, Internet services, and other learning materials to support curricular needs and to inspire student, staff, and faculty interests.


The main office is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Heritage Place is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Times are subject to change due to holidays, semester breaks, special events, and summer sessions. Any change in hours will be posted in the College Communicator and/or the entrance to both the main library and Heritage Place.


The Library provides all users with a website that contains pertinent information regarding the services and resources offered. Updating the website is the responsibility of the Director of Library Services. Updated information is submitted to the Web Developer for approval and implementation.

The website includes the following for faculty, staff, students, and the community:

  • an online Reference Chat for assistance with Library resources and services
  • a materials request form
  • an instruction request form
  • a student library card request form
  • an online survey
  • an online library orientation
  • links to electronic resources


The Library assumes responsibility for producing the ID/Library cards for the college. ID/Library cards are used to borrow Library materials, as admittance to college functions, and for general identification purposes. There is no cost to obtain an ID for faculty, staff and registered students.

The following individuals are entitled to an ID/Library card:

  • Students, faculty, and staff as needed;
  • Any other individual employed in any capacity by the College;
  • Approved individuals from cooperative agencies;
  • The Director of Library Services may give library privileges to special individuals or groups;


Pay copiers are available for users at $0.10 per copy; microfilm/reader printer copies are available at $0.25 per copy.


The Library provides users with computer stations that have an integrated software program for word processing and database, spreadsheet, and presentational development. Other types of software may be available depending upon users’ needs and interests. The Internet and/or online services are also available. Printers and paper are available for patrons at no charge with a maximum fifty-page per day limit.


  • The Library provides users with Internet access; access and usage and all users must follow the College’s Internet Use Policy.
  • All Library databases are accessible remotely using LancerLOGIN credentials.


  • Library tours and instruction sessions are encouraged and should be scheduled at least five days in advance. Clearance should be obtained through the Director of Library Services.
  • An orientation is provided during tours. The Library staff handles more specialized instruction regarding access to information and resource usage by faculty request, individually or in small groups.


  • Group Study Rooms may be booked by faculty, staff, or students by utilizing the group room booking tool on the Library website or by calling the Library directly.
  • Group study rooms are equipped with a 50” monitor that personal devices can connect to, USB power outlets on the table, as well as magnetic dry erase boards for studying and small group projects


The Library offers general laminating of college materials for faculty and staff. Any Library staff member may be contacted to discuss the details of the laminating project. A minimum two-day turnaround time is needed for laminating.


The Library provides faxing services for college-related materials for faculty and staff. Students and the public may fax documents for $.50/page.


The Library offers users an online catalog to find material holdings. The user can search the online catalog by the author, title, and/or subject heading. The materials in the Library are arranged by the Library of Congress classification system.


Materials are processed according to current cataloging standards. Current processing procedures for materials are available in Technical Services.


An individual may check out a total of eight (20) items: any combination of books and three (3) audiovisuals (DVDs, CD, etc.).


Material not found in the Library holdings can possibly be obtained via interlibrary loan. If users cannot find needed materials in the Library, the user can make a request for an interlibrary loan through a staff member. Users must follow the procedures of the lending institution(s) regarding interlibrary material(s).


A. Books to Students (General Collection)

  1. A student currently enrolled should present his/her ID/Library card and the item(s) to the circulation attendant. If the user is not in good standing with the Library (i.e. owes a fine, etc.), a transaction cannot be placed.
  2. The student’s ID/Library card is scanned and then returned to the patron after the checkout transaction.
  3. The book is desensitized and date due stamped.
  4. Circulation procedures regarding fines and checkout periods are posted in the library and on library handouts.
  5. Once the book is returned, the book is scanned to determine whether a fine has occurred. The book is sensitized and returned to the stacks for circulation.
  6. Students can check out as many as twenty (20) books at one time.
  7. If materials are overdue, the student’s record is tagged and grades, transcripts, and/or diplomas will be withheld until fines are paid. The patron is notified via email, regular mail, and/or by phone. Tagged records may prevent future registrations.
  8. Distance Education students or individuals at cooperative agencies outside the service area, can make requests, acquire, and return books through their local community college or public library via interlibrary loan. Overdue items will be handled in an identical manner for distance students.

B. Books to Faculty and Staff (General Collection)

  1. Follow the basic procedures as outlined in student check out, Section A above.
  2. All materials must be returned to the Library upon a faculty member’s exit from the College and/or the faculty member must pay any outstanding debts.

C. Reserves

  1. Reserve materials are for two (2) hour periods and are used in the Library only.
  2. Reserve materials may be used overnight, over a weekend, or over an extended period of time with permission from the appropriate faculty member.

D. Research Papers

  1. Faculty should be certain that enough materials are available before assigning research papers on any subject.
  2. If several students are assigned to the same or similar projects, the instructor should provide a list of research topics to the librarian before giving the list to the students.
  3. If materials are severely limited, they may be placed on the reserve.
  4. Instructors should give the Library administration a list of topics for research and/or a working bibliography of titles to select for purchase at least one semester in advance.

E. Hold Request

  1. A hold may be placed on any material that is checked out by making a request to the circulation desk attendant or remotely through the Library catalog.
  2. The person requesting the material is notified when the materials are returned.
  3. Material not called for in five (5) days will be returned to the regular collection.

F. Renewing Materials

  1. Materials may be renewed for an additional twenty-one (21) days unless a hold has been placed on the material. Renewals can be made only twice.
  2. Renewals can be made by phone or in person at the circulation desk. The material and ID/Library card should be presented to the circulation attendant for renewal.
  3. Materials cannot be renewed until all overdue materials are returned and fines paid.

G. Non circulating Materials

  1. Reference materials and materials deemed as references by the Library administration are non-circulating. These materials are for in-house use only.
  2. Materials located in Heritage Place are non-circulating.

H. Audiovisual Software (General Collection-DVDs and AudioBooks)

  1. A student currently enrolled should present his/her ID/Library card and the item(s) to the circulation attendant. If the user is not in good standing with the Library (i.e. owes a fine, etc.), a transaction cannot take place.
  2. The ID/Library card is scanned and then returned to the patron after the checkout transaction.
  3. CDs and Audiobooks can be checked out for three (3) weeks.
  4. Once the audiovisual software is returned, the circulation attendant checks to determine whether a fine has accrued.
  5. If materials are overdue, the student’s record is tagged and grades, transcripts, and/or diplomas will be withheld until fines are paid. The patron is notified by email, by mail, and/or by phone. Tagged records may prevent future registrations.
  6. Patrons can check out no more than three (3) audiovisual items at one time.


A. General Collection Materials
A fine of $0.10 per day up to $10, will be charged for each day a book is overdue (excluding weekends and holidays).

B. Audiovisual Materials
A fine of $1 per day up to $10, will be charged for each audiovisual material(s) that are overdue (excluding weekends and holidays).


If material(s) are reported lost or damaged, the patron must pay for the lost or damaged item(s). All users are expected to pay for materials lost or damaged while charged to them. The cost will be determined by current Books in Print, vendor catalogs, other appropriate pricing tolls, or at the discretion of the Director of Library Services.


Material selection procedures are designed to guide the College faculty and staff and to inform patrons about the principles upon which selections are made. The judgment of faculty, staff members, and information specialists cannot be replaced by procedure, but stating goals and boundaries can assist them in selecting from the multitude of materials now available in either print or non-print formats. The Library has the responsibility to provide the following:

  • Materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, by providing current, diverse, balanced collections of materials to support the instructional and institutional, and individual needs of students and faculty as well as taking into consideration the individual needs of the overall LCC community;
  • Materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards;
  • A background of information that will enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives;
  • Materials on opposing sides of controversial issues so that students may develop the practice of critical analysis of all media and form their own opinions on controversial issues;
  • Materials representative of the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contributions to the American heritage;
  • A process in which principle is placed about prejudice and reason above personal opinion in the selection of materials of the highest quality in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for patrons of the Leigh and John McNairy Library.


The Director of Library Services is responsible for creating, maintaining, and amending the collection development plan for the library. The plan will involve faculty members reviewing the collection within their respective discipline and recommending items for selection or deselection.

Faculty involvement with the collection development process will be solicited via email or departmental meetings. Acquisition requests by students or staff will also be considered by the Director of Library Services.

All suggested materials are evaluated by library staff with the ultimate authority resting with the Director of Library Services. Any acquisition requested by faculty, staff, or students will be notified once the item has arrived and added to the collection.

Library personnel also review collection development resources such as CHOICE reviews, Bowker, and publishing catalogs are utilized to select appropriate materials for the collection.


Needs of the College, based on knowledge of the curriculum and of the existing collection, are given first consideration. The following criteria are used when purchasing materials for the collection:

  • Overall purpose
  • Timeliness or permanence
  • Importance of the subject matter
  • Quality of the writing/production
  • Readability and popular appeal
  • Authoritativeness
  • The reputation of the publisher/producer
  • Reputation and significance of the author, artist, composer, producer
  • Format and price
  • Availability of holdings among consortium members


De-selection or weeding of materials is essential to the development and maintenance of current and viable library collection. This process may be integrated into other collection development procedures and conducted on a regular and continuing basis. Librarians, in conjunction with pertinent faculty recommendations, are responsible for conducting the de-selection efforts. Assistance with weeding is an important responsibility of the faculty, but it does not preclude the librarian’s systematic removal from the shelves of materials that meet specific criteria for deselection.

The following de-selection criteria are applied to all materials, including books, periodicals, online services, and audiovisual materials.

  • Currency and accuracy of information;
  • Relevance/importance of information to the college’s educational goals;
  • The physical condition of material;
  • Usage of material indicated by circulation records;
  • Departmental recommendations based on specific requirements for currency, such as the Health Sciences collection.

Items removed from the collection may be offered to other units within the College or handled in accordance with the Property Disposal Policy of the College.


The Library receives two copies of minutes from all advisory committees and two print copies of all major College publications. The Library also sends a digital copy of major College publications to the NC State Publications Clearinghouse.


The United States Copyright law (U.S. Code, Title 17) states what may and may not be copied. Photocopying machines are provided as an aid in research and use of materials in the custody of the Library. The furnishing of copies of documents or other materials does not confer upon the user the right to use them in violation of copyright law. The Library can assume no responsibility for infringement of copyright for material rights, which may be held by other persons. The researcher accepts full responsibility for the use and the publication of materials from the holdings of the Library.


Circulation Reports – A count of the number of interactions during each day is recorded for reference and annual report information. The statistics are calculated monthly and yearly, and filed in the Circulation Statistics file.

Library Traffic – A count of the number of patrons entering and exiting the Library and Heritage Place and the number of presentations and attendance in each, is recorded for reference and annual report information. The statistics are calculated monthly and yearly and filed for annual statistics.

Annual Statistical Report – A yearly report of all Library activities is compiled.

NCCCS Reports – The Library administrators complete the required NCCCS statistical reports each year (i.e, IPED, NCHED, Resource Inventory, etc.).


All personnel positions in the Library have current job descriptions, which are on file in the Personnel Office and with the Director of Library Services. All personnel will follow the policies outlined in the College’s Policies and Procedures Manuals.


The Library has a Student-Worker Handbook that explains the guidelines that govern student workers in addition to the College’s policies and procedures regarding student workers.


Library users are able to bring food and drinks into the Library. Patrons may eat lunch in the area at the front of the library where the barista tables and chairs are located. Light snacks and drinks with a lid may be consumed in the other Library areas. Eating by the staff should be done in the kitchenette area in the main library or in Heritage Place.


The Library is monitored by a surveillance system at all times. There are sections in the Library that are off-limits to general users. Those locations are posted with signage. A Library administrator will give permission for others to be in restricted areas.


Suggestions for improving services are welcomed. An online evaluation of services for faculty, staff, and students is available on the Library website. Faculty and staff are also encouraged to e-mail suggestions to the Director of Library Services as well. Evaluations of library services are also completed through the Institutional Effectiveness Office.


  • The Library does accept unsolicited donations of books, audiovisual resources, and other relevant materials. The donor must relinquish all claim to the materials being donated.
  • All donated materials for the Library’s collection will be evaluated using the criteria for selection as outlined above regarding the acquisition of new materials and resources.
  • Library donations should not be received by any school official without consulting the Director of Library Services for approval of the donation’s usefulness, suitability, and/or literary quality.
  • All donations should be accepted with the understanding that the Library may use them in accordance with the decision of the Director of Library Services in consultation with Library staff, administration, and faculty.
  • Gifts in excess of 100 items should be examined at the place they are housed by a Library representative who would select those items that would be a useful addition to the Library collection.
  • The Director of Library Services retains the authority to dispose of materials without contacting the donor.
  • Appropriate Deed of Gift form should be used for materials provided for donations in Heritage Place or the Main Library. A copy of the form will be filed.


All grievances related to the Library will be handled through the grievance procedures of the College.

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